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29 de septiembre de 2009

Ejecución Hipotecaria? No empaque todavía

Facing foreclosure? Don't pack just yet

Banks are starting foreclosures and then walking away. It may sound like a gift, but you've got to know how to protect yourself from the legal fallout.

By Marilyn Lewis of MSN Real Estate

Across the country, banks are starting to foreclose on homeowners and then, often with no word or explanation, failing to take possession of the home. From Ohio to Indiana, from New York to Florida and Missouri, these abandoned foreclosures have become common enough that real-estate professionals have coined a name: "bank walkaways."
For homeowners, this can sound like great news: The bank goes away, you get your house back without a mortgage and life goes happily on, you might think. But of course nothing is that simple.
"I know several people who are thrilled by their situation," says Judith Fox, a consumer law expert at the Notre Dame Law School. "But I don't think they should be that thrilled. I think they have inherited a legal nightmare."
But Fox says her advice on when to move out has changed in recent years: "I used to tell people when they got the notice for the sheriff's sale, 'Move!' But I am not telling people to do this now."
She has several clients who moved out after getting foreclosure notices. Their banks, however, failed to finish the foreclosures. The homeowners, who thought they'd lost their homes, were sued by their cities for failing to maintain the abandoned properties, which were still in their names.

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3 de septiembre de 2009

Asignan $700K en subsidios a organizaciones de defensa contra ejecuciones hipotecarias

Attorney General Bill McCollum

September 3, 2009
Media Contact: Jennifer Krell Davis
Phone: (850) 245-0150

TALLAHASSEE (FL) – El Procurador General, Bill McCollum, y la Fundación del Colegio de Abogados de Florida asignaron hoy aproximadamente $700,000 en subsidios a varias organizaciones sin fines de lucro del sur de Florida para financiar el trabajo gratuito de defensa legal de las ejecuciones hipotecarias. Durante dos años, se contará con un total de $4 millones en todo el estado para contratar abogados y asistentes legales que brinden asistencia gratuita a dueños de viviendas que enfrentan ejecuciones hipotecarias. Los subsidios se financiaron a través del acuerdo del Procurador General con Countrywide Financial en octubre pasado.

“Muchos ciudadanos del sur de Florida tienen una necesidad apremiante de asistencia para salvar sus casas de la ejecución”, dijo el Procurador General McCollum. “Confío en que los abogados contratados con estos subsidios cambiarán mucho la situación de las familias que ayuden”.

Legal Aid Service of Broward County, Inc. recibirá $340,000 en subsidios; la Asociación de Abogados Cubano Estadounidenses, Spanish American League Against Discrimination, Inc. (Liga Hispanoamericana contra la Discriminación) y Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. en colaboración con la Asociación de Abogados Haitianos recibirán, cada una, $85,000; Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. recibirá también otros $104,700 de financiación.

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