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30 de abril de 2011

Demandan compañia de modificación de prestamos por cobrar anticipo

Attorney General Pam Bondi News Release

April 11, 2011
Media Contact: Jennifer Krell Davis
Phone: (850) 245-0150

Tallahassee (Fla) – Hoy la procuradora general, Pam Bondi, presentó una demanda contra una compañía de modificación de préstamos hipotecarios porque, al parecer, solicitaban a los consumidores que paguen una suma como anticipo por sus servicios. Según reveló una investigación de la Oficina de la Procuradora General, supuestamente, U.S. Mitigators, LLC, compañía que provee servicios de modificación de préstamos para la vivienda, les solicitaba a los consumidores que pagaran un anticipo de $2,100 antes de prestar sus servicios. Muchos consumidores denunciaron haber pagado la suma de $2,100 además de un arancel por solicitud de $399 por servicios que nunca recibieron. La demanda de la Procuradora General contra la compañía busca obtener más de $48,000 de restitución para los consumidores.

29 de abril de 2011

SFL Biz Journals: USDV atrapa préstamos problemáticos

U.S. Debt Ventures snaps up problem loans

Premium content from South Florida Business Journal by Brian Bandell

Date: Friday, April 29, 2011, 6:00am EDT

Todd Billings and Jamie Zambrana have gone from being wealth advisers to controlling delinquent mortgages for thousands of homeowners.

Billings and Zambrana, who met 15 years ago when they were Nasdaq traders on Wall Street, now run Veriloquent Wealth Advisors and U.S. Debt Ventures in Coral Springs. The latter company recently purchased $500 million in nonperforming residential mortgages from a major bank at a significant discount. Billings said he plans to work with borrowers, even discounting principal, to keep them in their homes when it makes sense.

“If I know it would make more sense to keep you in the house, paying a mortgage you can afford, versus going in foreclosure and having you rip out the electronics and appliances, I would work out the loan,” Billings said.
So, how did a new company with 11 employees acquire such a large portfolio? Billings said it started at the Fort Lauderdale office of U.S. Trust, where he was a wealth adviser working with many high-net-worth families. In November 2008, he and Zambrana formed Veriloquent – and took many of his clients with him.

20 de abril de 2011

DS News: USDV adquiere $500 millones en prestamos "morosos"

US Debt Ventures Acquires $500M Non-Performing Loan Pool

US Debt Ventures, a Florida-based private equity firm, recently purchased a pool of non-performing mortgages valued at $500 million from a large financial institution.

Consisting of approximately 7,000 first, second, and third liens from across the nation, the purchase is part of the company’s strategy to acquire and work out large portfolios of distressed mortgages.

“US Debt Ventures’ primary focus is to optimize returns for investors while helping borrowers to clean up their negative credit situation through realistic yet creative solutions,” said Todd Billings, the company’s CEO.

He continued, “We have taken on the role of a dedicated and stable mortgage solutions provider in today’s volatile real estate market. As a private equity firm with strong financial backing, we can fill the capital void needed in today’s distressed marketplace.”

According to Jamie Zambrana, US Debt Ventures’ director of acquisitions and analytics, the purchase is a precursor for more bulk buys in 2011 and 2012.

“Our in-house analyses and underwriting capabilities as an experienced distressed debt buyer will lead us to successfully deploying several hundred million dollars in the next few years,” Zambrana said.

19 de abril de 2011

Corte de apelaciones de la Florida ordena responder a demanda de la ACLU

ACLU: Florida Appellate Court Orders Lee County Officials To Respond To Lawsuit

April 19, 2011